Friday, October 21, 2011

Funnies Day #2

Funny #1: Had to shower today - first time at home. 2 brains, one super-high-speed-but-not-as-accurate-brain which is totally dependent on a slower, more methodical (thus more accurate) brain.

Shower takes FOREVER to get hot water. So, brain #1 says "get the seat in the shower and the water running so when things are ready it will be warm water". Brain #2 thinks it best to get everything, and I mean EVERYTHING organized before shower entrance. Brain # 1 assumes brain #2 will obey - and takes off all clothes ready to make way into shower. Brain #2 does not obey - by the time I am in shower, I am totally frozen and sit and shiver for 15 minutes before I could start washing. I mean, I thought all it takes it getting IN the shower - everything else just magically falls in place.

Funny #2: Joseph feels the dogs should not be in the bedroom while I am getting from bathroom to the bed, so he tells them "out!" and they are required to watch from the hallway. Today I realized that Joseph really missed his calling. He stands at straight attention, holding his hand out to the dogs to keep them out, while telling me to focus and stop talking. HE can do 2 things at once, why can't I??? He needs a whistle so he can be a London traffic cop.


Anonymous said...

THIS, THIS is an exact representation of the two of you!! I've witnessed all the years of your marriage and could never have summed it up so accurately!!
You are fullfilling your vows to one another..IN SICKNESS and in health. Let's see, has Joseph ever been sick? Oh yes, vertigo!
Love you two!!
Sister Sue

JoAnn said...

I would warm up the water first and tell him to just hurry up and get naked