Thursday, October 20, 2011

Two Weeks of Hilarity Coming Right Up, I AM Thinking

First 24 hours finished of two weeks of 24 hour around the clock care from my husband for my recovery. He doesn't even know I have a blog, probably doesn't know what one is so I will take this opportunity to tell on him.

I could have died laughing a few times today and last night.

FIRST of all, I have to take pain pills every 3 hours - so he set his cell phone up for alarm through the night to administer them to me. Well, each time the alarm went off, he stood up, put on his sweat pants, walked to my side of the bed, and handed me the pills and water. I obediently drank, and he walked to other side of bed, removed his sweat pants, and crawled back into bed. I finally gave him permission to just stay put, and watch me take my pills.

Funny #2: He has to give me an injection every morning in my tummy. He started yesterday in the hospital with a nurse witnessing. I know this is out of his comfort zone. Today, he gets ready for the mission and sees a bruise from yesterday's shot! He kept insisting that is NOT where he gave the shot yesterday - this is NOT his bruise! I said nevermind - just go. So he has to find the fatty place (hahah in tummy that is pretty easy) and swab it real good with alcohol. He swabbed, then kept pulling the skin (fat) up and down and up and down. I said "now you have to swab again - what ARE you doing anyway?" and he thoughtfully said "You don't have as much fat in your tummy as you did yesterday". HAHAHAHAHAHAAH

Funny #3: He is super excited to get the walkie talkies out! He gives me mine, and shows me how to use it, goes out of the room to test it. This is cool. SO, he as in the NEXT room, and I told him I have to go potty (which I need help in and out of the bed) and he said "use the walkie talkie". I said "honey! You can hear me! Just come!" but he would not come until I used the walkie talkie. HAHAHAHAHA

Funny #4: When I am walking, using the crutches, he thinks that I cannot TALK while I walk! HE is always saying "concentrate, don't talk". WOW someone tell this man that women can do ANYTHING while talking!

Gotta love this man. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH


Anonymous said...

sooo cute is our brother Joseph!!! Thankful he married you!! You two are made for each other :_) I can just see him usung the walkie talkies!! A real bonus to all this !LOL
Sister Sue

Jones' Journalistic Journey said...

You are so cute!! What a wonderfully refreshing attitude you have. It is remarkable that Joseph is so patient - not quite sure my husband would be - after all he wasn't during all my surgeries! He tries but just doesn't get it!! That's why I started keeping wine in my S'bucks cup - I needed to augment the pain meds that were only minimally effective. The Docs were well aware o what I was doing and it was only 1 glass at night to help the pain meds - but Dale thought I was headed for AA!!

I so enjoy your musings, and Joseph is being a great sport about all of this. I pray you get well soon, and can resume your running. I have often thought of you over the years and have missed your mischievous spirit - which we share!

God bless and get well soon.
Debbie Jones

Cheyenne said...

you make me laugh, I LOL loloolo hahah xoxox I check up on you thru window telepathy! (: There were two cops outside our houses last night about midnight, what did you do now??