Friday, January 8, 2010

Done with Hats

We are moving on - well I am. Susie is still making hats, on account of her future move to Alaska. For me, hats are just not very useful in Seattle. However, we have been frequenting JoAnn Fabrics - like way way way too much. We roll and bounce from one creative idea to another, playing off of each other's brilliant ideas. We decided that we are TWO BIG CUBES ROLLING DOWN A HILL. Think about that. Think hard. Have you ever seen a cube roll?

So after making about 30 hats,I am pretty much finished with hats. BUT I have all of this yarn that needs to be used. Of COURSE, we will now make yarn flowers! Oh! We can put BEADS on them too! We need more beads! Wait! We need that sparkly yarn!!!

Now don't the centers just SCREAM for sparkling beads?

Oh my goodness...anyone want a flower pin for your hat?


Anonymous said...

I love those flowers. must get that sparkling yarn. keep gowing.

Anonymous said...