Tuesday, March 24, 2009


We are really into it. The Hustle, East Coast Swing, and Nightclub Two Step. We have lessons once a week, and practice once a week as well - plus any dance parties that our school has we try to go to. We hope to be able to dance super cooly on our cruise to Alaska! We want to BLOW our kids away with our skilz!

THIS is a 16 second clip of our dance instructor at a demo -

Last night for the first time both hubby and I felt like we could really dance without having to think of the moves, even though both of us forgot our dance shoes. Shoes are important!

So some day, maybe you will see Us on Dancing With The Stars....highly doubtful, but who knows.


Kathleen said...

I vote that you have a show at high woodlands park this summer.. please!

Anonymous said...

LOVE this!!! You are our dancing stars!!!!