Saturday, May 8, 2010

Bark, Barbecue, and Beer

SO I bribed my boys and nephew with the Three B's, as I have affectionately dubbed it. I had a was fully executed.

What better way to start the day than with fresh Manju from Home Maid Bakery Maui.
Love and adore this stuff.....
Not wanting to be left out of one B (Barbecue) these girls passed on the other two B's, exchanging Beer for Slurpies, and Bark for Monitoring

These girls make me smile
Joseph was Special Ops director (please don't tell anyone that we put the bark on top of the weeds)
Jordan loves yard work - he flew in from Maui just to spread bark for me
(I can pretend, can't I?)

SO typical - very much so. The girls went for slurpies while taking their monitoring job very seriously
My poor doggie - just because I gave him a haircut myself, the boys tease him because he looks like a poodle now - so they thought he should ride on top of the bark (and HE doesn't even bark that much at all)
Joseph made his famous steak on the grill, and I sauteed mushrooms and onions. (Pulling out all stops) There was even squid from Maui as a side dish!
Charles tried it - he did not care for it (to put it mildly).
While the girls watched a movie in the basement, the boys did the "remember when?" stories and laughed until they cried. As a special treat, Joseph took them to Iron Man at 11pm.

It was a good time (especially for me because my plan worked) and I love having lots of people and activity around.

God is good!


Anonymous said...

I LOVE this!! I can seriously picture you guys sitting around and laughing!

Dolly said...

yeah for sneaky plans that work! Everything in your yard looks huge! And I totally put bark over my weeds too.

Anonymous said...

GREEEEEEEEEEEAT pictures!! Bark and Boys are gorgeous...the food??uh, no comment. But happy that it makes y'all happy!!!!
I feel like a grandmother to your yard! Bark is the best!!!!And ALL natural!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a great mothers day, kids and bark and food. I can just hear all the stories and laughter. ingesch