Sunday, April 19, 2009

Houston, We Have Ponderings

Do we realize how rare and unusual these things have been for Earl? Yes, we do. We are also reminded as we walk from hotel to hospital how this rare Earl stands out from the rest as he trusts Jesus. Today they took out the wires that were in his heart in case of an emergency start-up

We were discussing the past few years for Earl. He had TWO lower back surgeries, a neck surgery followed by an "emergency repeat" because the first one left him paralyzed! Now, his second valve replacement "replacement"! Earl said "this is just a bump in the road"...somehow, that isn't strong enough for me. On a walk today I saw this sign!!! HUMPS are much larger than bumps! This is a HUMP in the road!

A beautiful reminder of the canopy of God's love that spreads over us as we walk in faith, as I was shaded from the sun on my walk:

I cannot leave out the tender, loving care of Susie ~ my brother's helpmate. She also has become quite a bit better in all ways than any nurse here, complete with "Catch A Wave" dance while putting his elastic stockings on.


Dolly said...

HA! Just this afternoon we were in the car and Ruthie asked me what Speed Humps were. I said, "well they are like speed bumps...just different".
Chandler watched grandma dance quite a few times!

Anonymous said...

way to go susie,you are god. earl you didnt even scream when they pulled your tubes out. you look so much better.i love you all, mom

Anonymous said...

dolly did you like your dress?

steve, kate, annelise and joseph said...

Hi...I am old friend of Dolly's back from when the whole fam was stationed at Ft. Rucker, AL...I saw the link on Dolly's blog for an update on her dad so I decided to check it out! Then I figured I would leave a comment just to let you guys know that I am praying for Earl's quick and full recovery...and for you and Susie as you minister and encourage Earl.

Until next time ~ Katy (Tyner) Holmes

Anonymous said...

These are just soooo cool to watch, I feel like I'm there going through it all with you! Thanks soooooooooooo much!! Love you all! Janice<><