Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Houston, We Have Training and Trains

Earl and Susie attended Sternum Precaution Class for the second time around.

If you have a Big Mac Attack, you need not leave the premises - talk about heart healthy.

Earl made Susie and I take a break. We got on the train thingy and rode the entire line.

Transfusion yesterday and today. Echo looked good - chest xray shows a little fluid outside the lung. Waiting on his blood to improve before discharge. Earl is saying Thursday for sure - haha.

We are reading all your comments to him and he enjoys them and is encouraged.


maki said...

Glad you and Susie got to go out to take a train tour. We'll continue to pray that Earl's blood count will be stable and for his full recovery. We love you all!

maki said...

Dad were you the youngest guy in the sternum protection class?

Ok so is rule #1 no McD's?

Anonymous said...

what did you learn in the sternum class,did they tell you not to laugh so hard?haha
love,hewae your mom

Anonymous said...

Earl and Susie, the Gullicksons called and asked me to relay that you are in their prayers. They offered any help you needed. I thought that was sweet and told them I would relay their concern.

Earl, you're a crack-up (literally). I laugh out loud when I listen to Susie and JoAnn howl at your joke--even though it looks like you're in agony. What a witness for the Lord Jesus you are--full of hope and confidence in your God. As Susie would say, it's so presh. :^D
