Saturday, May 18, 2013


I do not like baseball - not really that interested I should say.

In NYC we find out the Yankees are playing the Mariners. Andy wants to go - (my boss/nephew)...I say "go ahead - I will go shopping". He talked me into it.

I LOVED IT and loved being the only two people in Yankee Stadium screaming for the Mariners.

I asked EVERYONE in that stadium if they know where I can buy a Mariners shirt. Nada.

WOW I know now why Andy wanted to go: Felix pitching - the highest paid pitcher in baseball!
We had people from Australia next to us who didn't know rules - so Andy educated them, and I gotta say, I was impressed that there is such strategy in baseball ...

VERY VERY disturbing to have the calorie content of each item in concession stands - VERY
I was forced to wear a Yankee hat of shame - in 8th inning and forever after. A security guard made me.

I forgot a jacket so took a blanket from hotel...I am so smart. PLUS I could not FIND a Mariners shirt to buy.

Andy told me that Yankee fans can be mean and nasty to enemy fans, but I was disappointed to discover how nice they all were. I bought a huge bucket of popcorn, and handed it to a man and his 9 year old son (Yankee fans) and said they can throw popcorn at me. They did - the popcorn was way to salty.

In front of us was a family from New Zealand, who knows that ban Katchafire! I told them my son is touring USA with them now.

Small world.

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