I think our nation needs more recovery than I do. As I wait patiently (of course) for my swelling to go down, my hip to get stronger, doing my exercises, following the 70 degree hip precautions perfectly: I am watching all these "Occupy" movements. They are not getting a whole lot of traction.
College professors are volunteering their time to "teach them how to formulate what they are doing and be able to speak and write about it" THANK YOU TEACHERS UNION! Last free class offered there were an entire TEN people who showed up!
This is the most uneducated and uninformed group of protesters in history, I believe.
This picture says it all:
A friend of mine posted this, it speaks alot. Of course, we all know there are various views of the same issue - but I am thankful for people who fight for our right to speak our minds and to think our own thoughts. Thank you servicemen and women! I hope America fills you with pride of country and the courage to persevere for even people who disagree with everything you stand for!
Choose which you are: a positive force or a negative force for change. I think this contrast is striking in this picture.
Couldn't draw a stonger or more accurate contrast!! Sadly!!
Love that letter in the photo. Says it ALL.
one thing that "most" Occupy people have in common - they perpetually complain about things....
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