Saturday, April 26, 2014



2011 - Spring*

GOALS; Started running (COUCH TO 5k) to do a 5K - accomplished (fall) Began training for 10K
ACTUALITY: Severed head off femur in my moms hospital room - total hip replacement, end runs

2012 - Spring*

GOALS; After 6 months of despondency, daughter in law suggest walking 200 miles in Spain. Training began in April for the booked October trip. READY!
ACTUALITY: 12 hours before leaving, daughter in law sees her passport expired - I go alone! (fall)

GOALS: I know I can walk, so I begin training to WALK a half marathon
ACTUALITY: Car accident, break my knee cap, in brace for 8 weeks (fall)

2013 - Spring*

GOALS: Decided to try goal of walking half marathon, register for one and begin walking
ACTUALITY: Stepped onto dock wrong, and broke my foot! Walking cast for 6 weeks. (summer)

2014 - Spring*

GOALS: See an ad on TV for hip replacement and decide to try running again. Sign up for a half
ACTUALITY: In Canada on Julz's spring break, while jogging I trip, fell down and break my wrist and elbow! (I am still running)

I see a pattern here - stop making goals in ***SPRING***

Testing has commenced with endocrinologist to find out why I keep breaking myself. Suspected parathyroid tumor (non cancerous)

1 comment:

marc3rd said...

Perhaps you should take up swimming!