I think it is safe to go ahead and let my mind spill out - it has been a long while since my last post.
I completely trust that the God Who created the universe, is able and willing to handle all the details of our lives. That being said, there are times when I think"WHAT? Where ARE you?" Soon after that sentimentality creeps from my otherwise stable countenance (hahah) I am always ashamed at my lack of faith. There are times when things seem so hopeless - but that does not mean that things are, in fact, hopeless.
I have been learning to trust God with no sight - like blind faith. Isn't that what hope is? We hope for things we do not see....this is my lesson lately. When you see someone you love and have a wonderful relatiponship with completely harden their heart towards God and those who love them, it is devastating, to say the least. There was a time when all looked lost - and today, I can say that it still looks lost - but my vision is changed - I am not going to dwell on the that which is lost, but that which is found.
Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below! Praise Him
above the heavenly host. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.